To finding the good

It’s really easy to get caught up in thoughts and sadness and all the bad things but it’s just as easy to get caught up in dreams and happiness and all the things that bring you joy. So why is it so hard to choose those good things? I’m sure not everyone can relate, but I struggle with letting myself get caught up in the good things and often find myself fighting the bad instead. 
I found myself doing that when my professor emailed my class encouraging participation in the slice of life challenge yesterday. After I read the email I thought of how much I wanted to try it but my mind filled with negative thoughts immediately. I didn’t stop thinking about it though, I thought about how fun it could be and how it might even help me to stop and see the good. 

My sister recently moved halfway across the country and that has been such a hard life change for me. We may be three years apart but we're so close it could've been three minutes, I miss her more everyday. Today as I was leaving church someone stopped us and asked how we've been since she moved and my mom and I both broke down, the tears would not stop flowing. It's so incredibly hard but those tears were also of joy because we know how much she is loving her life and her new role as a wife. It brings me so much joy seeing her out there creating a life of her own and only reminds me how much she continues to be the person I look up to, even if she's not here. I got caught up in our memories together at a PD conference last week when guest speaker Ralph Fletcher asked us to take a line from a poem and create our own, this is what I came up with:

Sometimes I remember the good old days
Picking crows feet to brew in the witches pot
Casting spells and potions, making magic
Sneaking around with Nikole, our secret identities 
A memory that never fades, despite her move away
A friend I'll always have, a connection that never goes away
Finishing each others sentences, two parts that make a whole

Afterwards, I realized how good it felt to write, just to be able to create something that captured a memory so near and dear to my heart. That's all I can hope for, is to create something everyday that represents a little memory I hope to keep.
So here I am, excited and hopeful. Sharing my little slice of life. Here’s to getting caught up in the good. 


  1. Lovely slice on loving and missing your sister.

    "That's all I can hope for, is to create something everyday ..."
    I think all creative type no matter their media can relate to this.

    1. Thank you. I have been trying to find a good creative outlet and hope others find one as well.

  2. Your slice is encouraging and has a happy ending. What a beautiful poem. Your love for your sister shines through. It makes me happy for her too. This quote is special: "It brings me so much joy seeing her out there creating a life of her own..."

    1. Thank you, I hope to continue finding happy at the end of all my posts.

  3. I love your poem Jenna! I love how raw and authentic your writing is. Thank you for sharing it!

    1. Thank you Morgan! Excited to be on this journey :)

  4. Jenna, this was such a lovely, heartfelt post. I smiled when I read how it felt good to write. I think this is the greatest gift that writing can give us - healing and joy at the same time. I'm so glad your professor encouraged you to join us! She sounds like a wise teacher! :-)

  5. Hi Jenna!
    I love how you poured out your heart. It resonated with me in a way that it reminded me of when my family first moved to Texas. I stayed back in IL for awhile. It was so hard, and I missed them so much! I love how you were able to capture something so lovely! <3

    1. Thank you Marissa :) It's hard when you've been always been a close family, I'm hoping this writing thing will help me keep busy


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