My boyfriend, who had a liver transplant and takes immunosuppressants, has been pretty sick the past week or so. His doctor told him it was a cold and he took some antibiotics and started feeling a little better but then his chest started feeling worse. After numerous phone calls to the doctor continually complaining about pain and symptoms he was transferred to the COVID-19 hotline for the dr office but then they said his symptoms weren’t severe enough. Next day and he can’t sleep because his chest hurts so bad, so again we call and they finally decide he can call the main COVID-19 hotline to be further approved for testing. This morning that was an hour and a half long wait to be spoken to. Then more questions to see how severe his symptoms were or how likely was to have gotten it. They decided it’s possible and recommended he get tested.

We left shortly after the phone call, picked up his sister who also had a liver transplant and has not been feeling well either, and headed to Baytown. The only testing center was an hour away from our house, a far drive for anyone who lives farther than us. Once we got there it was a short line to get paperwork and a temperature read. Everything was done with windows rolled up or minimally rolled down for a short amount of time to reduce exposure risk. It was all a bit freaky. It was drive through style they had cones guiding the way. After the first tent stop you drove around to the second where they did the swan test. This line was longer which surprised me and left me with two questions; we were on hold for an hour so obviously the hotline was busy, why weren’t there more cars and people getting tested?? And there were quite a few people getting tested were they all positive?? As we were leaving they told us they would call in 24-72 hours with results to the test. 

I’m anxious and praying for the best. At least we were able to enjoy the drive with the windows down, today was sunny and warm out. We’re both getting tired of being in the house but know the importance, we enjoy any window down time we can get. Just enjoying the things we can.  


  1. I am thinking of you and your family and hoping for the very best as I send well wishes. Thanks for sharing such a personal story.


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