Kitty cuddles

Kitty cuddles
Getting sleepy
time for a quick snack
munch munch munch
till my belly is full
now I have a happy belly 
I can rest 
where is the warmest spot
where is the most comfy spot
this spot has too much stuff
this spot had too much movement
here is my brother
he looks pretty comfy
I bet he won't mind if I squeeze in there
let me lick him a little first to be less suspicious
just giving my brother a groom
now I can lay down and act like I need a better angle to clean his face
ahhh the perfect spot
I'm kind of helping him out if you think about it
he got groomed and now all my fur will keep him warm
he's lucky I decided to nap here
golly I'm tired 
time to close my eyes

A little piece from the perspective of my cat Leo, what I imagine goes on his head ;). 


  1. I love how you wrote this from the perspective of the other cat. Brilliant!


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