Late post

Today we finished our puzzle, in record time if I say so myself. It took about 48 hours. I like to think my boyfriend and I make a great team, although we may butt heads at times we understand each other and are on the same team. I love finding things we enjoy doing together that complements our natural skills/strengths.

I almost forgot to post today as I’ve been preparing for school or begin online tomorrow. I’m nervous to see where this online learning takes me but am hoping for the best. Maybe I’ll even do some work ahead this week before I *potentially* go back to work on the 1st. I’m hoping this all calms down but if not I’m hoping my work stays closed. I’ve felt very safe knowing I control who I come into contact with (which has been nobody since I’ve been staying home!!).

I’m excited to see familiar faces on group lecture tomorrow and get back into the swings of things. Even work on some academic writing pieces and hope to get my creative juices flowing. I hope to not lose myself too much in schoolwork but to find a balance. I’ll have to get better at using a planner since everything is online now!


  1. I'm trying to do that planner thing too. I've got little notes all over the place but I can't figure out how to organize anything in this new world in which we have found ourselves. May your "extra time" be productive and balanced.

  2. I'm a teacher, midway through the second week off. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go to a leadership team meeting, where we will decide what our e-learning for the next few weeks will look like. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how to keep kids engaged in reading and writing. That's all I really care about!


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