Lemon lover

Today I am tired and can't think of much to write about so this will likely be a short post. Being tired led me to a lot of quick reactions and some attitude. Being tired is no fun, tonight I will try to get more sleep.
I took a trip to the store and found some lemon crisp kit-kats, my boyfriend insisted I try them since I 'love all things lemon', I'm not sure when me liking lemon things started to stand out I never really realized it. The only thing I can think of that I constantly want that has to do with lemon is Lays brand Limon chips (they're the best if you haven't tried them do it), it's just funny how everyone notices different things, I'm glad he shared this little thing he's realized, it made me happy knowing he knows the little things I like. I'm excited to try this new candy though it does look yummy. I also found some wearable weights (like can be worn on ankles or wrists) for $12 at work! So I decided to buy them hoping to inspire a desire to work out leading up to summer. So I guess despite being tired today was overall good, I almost didn't write today but I'm glad I decided to sit down and reflect on my day. What a nice week of finding the good.


  1. Lemon chips and wearable weights! I say three cheers for finding the good! (And love thinking about how sweet it is that your boyfriend noticed that about you!)

  2. I love my ankle weights! I use them all the time!

  3. Oh gosh, my husband loves anything lemon, too! I'm glad you were able to find a small delight in your day to savor. That's what life is made up of. . . in the mix of all of our busyness . . . thousands of small delightful moments. Writing them down means we get to revisit them again and again. I love that about writing!


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