Shoes under the bed

Today I pulled out the bag of shoes from under my bed and decided to stop hiding from them. I haven’t worn most of the shoes in a year, they remind me of a different version of myself, I know it sounds a little weird but they do. They’re shoes that have memories that were made with some people who aren’t in my life anymore and I think that’s why I just pushed them away- like I do with a lot of things. I get scared and just put it in a corner, or a box under the bed in this case, and try to forget. It's a bad habit and one I'm trying to be better about, in this season of life I'm hoping to find pieces of me I let go. For some reason, today I decided to pull out the bag and put on a pair of shoes. They were my favorite pair of shoes a year ago after all, why can’t they still be my favorite? There’s plenty of life left to live, plenty of places these shoes can still go. I guess these shoes are a metaphor for parts of me I shut down when those people left my life, I miss those parts and there’s still plenty of room for me to be me, unashamed. So today I put on the shoes, and felt a little more like myself. They gave me a little bit of confidence I needed, even if they're just a pair of silly shoes- it felt good. Today I decided to stop hiding, even if it’s a small step like wearing those shoes. I will not let my anxieties continue to hide the parts of myself that make me happy, life is too short- do all the things that make you happy.


  1. I feel like you could write a picture book about shoes, and the importance of various pairs. Or at least a short memoir of the connections and metaphors that exist because of certain shoes. I love the reflections within this piece that seem like they come naturally through writing.

  2. What a great symbol of you moving on. Good for you!


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