Slice of Milk

"mew mew mew meoooooow'
"moooooowwwww meow"
"meow meow meow"
- Milky

"mom did u see da toy dad got?!!?!?"
"don't u wanna swing it so I can jump??"
"I know u want to, com on itz fun!!"

Today I decided to write about one of my other cats, Milky. He is Leo's litter mate, but we didn't rescue him until a few months after Leo. My boyfriend really loved Milky and we hated seeing how tiny he was compared to how Leo was growing (I assume he wasn't receiving proper nutrition but I'm not here to talk about that), so we took him too. Milky grew up with 9 other cats around him for the first part of his life, so when he was taken away he was really sad. He got depressed and anxious and developed a UTI with urinary crystals and we had to put on special food. I felt like a bad mom but I knew he would live a better life, I just had to figure out what that looked like for him.
He is so full of energy as long as he gets played with he's happy, which is something we weren't doing enough of. We figured out his favorite toy is the stick kind with a string and toy attached at the end. He LOVES them, he's broken like 4 because he goes so crazy when he plays. He can seriously jump up so high it surprises me. Eventually, we got Kaya to keep him company because Leo is more calm and doesn't keep up with Milky's energy, but Milky doesn't mind anymore because Kaya can even out play him. It's crazy how these three compliment each other perfectly, the 3 amigos. Every time Milky meows asking to play, he reminds me to take a break and brings a smile to my face with his crazy self. (His latest obsession and newest edition to his toy collection is Jackson Galaxy's Ground Prey Telescoping Wand with his Crinkle Flies attached to the wand)


  1. I can see a series of Leo, Kaya and Milky stories in your future! :-)


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