Slow down march

This month continues to throw curve balls!!! Now my university has moved all classes online, which I think is best to help prevent further spread of this virus by reducing large meetings of people. But I’m sad about it! This semester I only had one class in person, my literacy block where I also got to get field experience in a kindergarten class. And I love this class, I even met some pretty cool people, it was a great time I got to be kind of social and learn.

This was really special to me because I have a kindergarten sized hole in my heart and I’ve been dreaming of teaching kinder for a long time!! When I got that placement I was so excited, and I loved every minute of it. Which is the mindset I need to have during this time, I’m so grateful I got placed in a kinder class and was able to get the weeks of field experience I was able to before this occurred. Those kids brought so much joy to my life and taught me so much!!!

I’m also sad about not being able to see my awesome teacher anymore, but I’m grateful to have been able to have class with her for the weeks we were able to. She is an amazing teacher and now a role model for me, I can’t wait to continue learning from her. I’m blessed to have such a great professor because I know that despite being online she’ll still find a way to bring it to life. I’m also thankful classes are now online because I feel safer not having to be around so many people. Call me a worrier but working retail is enough exposure for me, my boyfriend has a weakened immune system from having a liver transplant and I am doing everything I can to be safe. There are lots of other things causing me worry but we’re not here to talk about that, this is enough for now.

March please slow down and be nice!


  1. Your positivity despite the disappointment is just what I needed. I can relate to so much in your post...and yes, please can we take a pause on March getting away??


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