SQ day 1

Day one of self quarantine and I chose to rest up. Rest and recharge is always much needed and welcomed. It was a lovely day outside and I moved my plants outside to get some sunshine and fresh air. I wasn’t always a plant person but my boyfriends mom gave us a couple plants and I didn’t want them to die so I guess I’m a plant person now.

It’s so cool to see these plants grow and live their own little plant lives. They get happy when they get some sunlight, pointing their leaves to the sun praising it. Their leaves turn so green when they’re getting enough sun and water, a green that’s so pleasing to look at. And they grow, grow, grow, so much until they need a new pot. I’ve already had to repot 2 of my plants, well my boyfriends mom did it for me because I’m not that experienced yet. But I’m learning to love taking care of plants, something I’ve always wanted to do (I used to kill anything I had). 

I hope to continue to grow my little plant family, possibly even add some veggies into the mix. I’m thinking of starting with some herbs since they can use smaller pots or jars. I’m thankful to find the time in my day to water my plants and check up on them- reminding me to slow down and enjoy the little things. 


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