Sunday drives

Today I woke up earlier than usual to work a markdown shift at my job. This meant I got off at 11 am and got to enjoy my Sunday. This is something I rarely get to do, I usually get the closing shift on Sunday’s and spend my whole day at work. I chose to spend it with my parents and little sister, we went for a drive and went out to lunch.

When we all lived at home we used to go for drives all the time, no location in mind just driving through the country admiring land and houses. I never understood it when I was younger, I was always annoyed I had to go in the car with my sisters just to drive around. But now I understand. I understand the peace it brings, as well as the exposure to new places. The dreams it brings, imagining the house you would build on the land, all the things that would make it home. Imagining the things you would change about a house or neighborhood to make it perfect. Just dreaming. 

I’m thankful for this slice of life, where my parents taught me how to dream and imagine a future for myself. I find myself doing that a lot, imagine what I might change or taking notes of things I would like for my future house. Today I realized I learned that from my parents, and I am so thankful they put these dreams in me. 


  1. I love the idea of dreaming on your drive. I should have gone out for a drive today. My county is on a lockdown because of COVID-19, so I have been in the house since Thursday afternoon. I am going to try to get out for a walk at least in the days ahead. You have inspired me to go for a drive though instead.

  2. That swing of perspective, from what you thought of these drives in your younger days to what you noticed today, makes this whole slice go. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you. Lovely tribute and well-written. I share this past time. I think it came from driving around with my dad as a child when we would go for tractor repair parts or local fish fries on Friday nights. He'd turn off the "hard road" and we'd follow whatever road he chose. I'm pretty sure I learned my directionality from him. My husband will often stop the car and let me drive so I can go where my heart wants. Thanks for writing. You spurned my memory.

  4. It’s the simple pleasures that truly mean so much. Those drives open up a different world.


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