The Beast

The Beast
Eyes open
I slowly pull my feet out of the covers and onto the floor
My first mistake
I sit up, feet at the edge of the bed
My second mistake
claws stuck to my socks
claws stuck to my skin
"AHHH" I scream as I pull my feet up quickly
My third mistake
She thinks it's a game
A brown beast emerges from under the bed
Up she soars chasing after my feet
I quickly hide them under the covers
Thinking I'm safe
My fourth mistake
The beast dive bombs my feet as I move them under the covers
I've got her now, I think
While the beast is distracted I grab a hold of her
Pull her up to my pillow
and force cuddles
The beast has been conquered .... for now

The beast, a.k.a. Kaya, resting in her cave


  1. Oh. This made me laugh. Our cat, Winnie (who passed at 19), was also a beast. She loved attacking in the morning. She loved chasing our sons up onto the couch and then digging her claws into their feet. She loved our dogs, but if they irritated her, well, beast mode! Thanks for helping me remember!

  2. I love how you structured this piece! Kaya looks identical to our rambunctious kitten Lily, who also enjoys tormenting feet under the covers.

  3. I love this so much!! Your little beast is so cute!! My is currently next to me, trying to lay on my keyboard! lol

  4. I am in love with this post and I am SO glad you read it aloud to us in class!


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